Run Time: 3.5 Hours | Water Capacity: 79/87 ltrs
Deck Styles: 3 | Scrub Widths 63cm – 71cm

The Carbon scrubber dryer range is based on a solid steel chassis, with HD motors & electronic brush pressure for outstanding results on any hard floor. Built to “live & last”  in an industrial environment, all battery models come with a three year manufacturers warranty as standard.

Highly productive, easy to manoeuvre & simple to use, Carbon scrubber dryers are available in three different scrub styles to better clean your floor type. See the difference a TomCat Carbon can make on your floor with a free no obligation demonstration.

Available with Zero3+ on board aqueous ozone for chemical free cleaning

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 CARBON  +  

Scrub Deck Styles

TomCat walk behind scrubber dryers are available with three brush deck styles & a range of tooling to get the best from your hard floors. From harsh environments with rough concrete flooring to delicate specialist stone floors, TomCat has the solution.


Disc Scrub Deck

2 Scrub Widths 63 & 73cm

Cylinder Scrub Deck

2 Scrub Widths 66 & 71cm

EDGE Oscillating Deck

2 Scrub Widths 64 & 71 cm


Reduces the need for harmful chemicals in the floor cleaning process, tap water is converted to aqueous ozone which is a powerful natural oxidiser.  

Aqueous Ozone is generated On board & On demand at the flick of a switch, the operator can also choose chemical if required 


Zer03+ Brochure

Learn More About

Aqueous Ozone



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